
The draft programme for 2025 Is now available. Click here to download it.

Key to abbreviations:

A = American-style
P = Playford/English style
M = Mixed American/English
Mu = Music workshop



Get together, participate and enjoy!

Dance workshops

Led by our guest callers, Dance workshops focus on a particular style of dancing or a particular formation and offer an in-depth experience. See the Callers page for more information about the Artists and their specialisms.

Music workshops

Bring your instrument and enjoy playing with a group. 

Worshipping Folk

The half hour Sunday morning service is a popular event at the Festival, led by the Festival Chaplain with music from a local band.

We worship God together with dance, song and prayer at the special service designed for the Festival. Each year there is a different theme for the service. Sunday morning in Room 10 (near the Dining Room). See programme for times.


Timetabling is always a delicate balance and is designed to give the best choice to the maximum number of dancers, with the constraints of artist availability and hall capacity. We welcome feedback, however, so please keep sending in your comments.

Priority will be given to season ticket holders where necessary.

To save on plastic cups, please bring your own water bottles.