
Booking for 2024 is now open!

Weekend and Day season tickets and Camping

To book your place, download and fill in the booking form, below, and follow the instructions for payment.

Please note that last year the Festival changed its bank account and also gained a new Booking Secretary.
If you didn't come to the Festival last year and you are holding older bank or contact details for us, please find the current details on the booking form.

For your convenience, we have provided the form in both Word and pdf formats. The content is the same - just choose the version you prefer.
You can download the form, type into it, save it and email it to our Booking Secretary.
Alternatively print it, write in your details, then scan or photograph it and email it to the Booking Secretary.

To fill in the pdf form, download the form, open it, and choose "Fill and Sign" from the menu on the right.
If your software does not display "Fill and Sign", please use the Word version.

Booking form Word format

Booking form pdf format